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and the children emerge from the darkness, when nine moons bloody appears in the heavens and this will be the day that mankind fears
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 An Ocean Between Us - As I Lay Dying

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Cantidad de envíos : 53
Fecha de inscripción : 22/05/2009
Edad : 32

An Ocean Between Us - As I Lay Dying Empty
MensajeTema: An Ocean Between Us - As I Lay Dying   An Ocean Between Us - As I Lay Dying EmptyJue Jun 04, 2009 11:10 pm

An Ocean Between Us

An Ocean Between Us - As I Lay Dying As%20I%20Lay%20Dying-An%20Ocean%20Between%20Us

1. Separation
2. Nothing
3. Ocean Between Us, An
4. Within Destruction
5. Forsaken
6. Comfort Betrays
7. I Never Wanted
8. Bury Us All
9. South of Truth, The
10. Departed
11. Wrath Upon Ourselves
12. This Is Who We Are

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An Ocean Between Us - As I Lay Dying
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